Week 22: June 2-8
Pray for Hope for Rock Hill.
Pray  for financial and supply provision as they assist those in need.
Pray that families and individuals having their physical needs met would see God's hand at work in their lives.
Ask God to give the staff and volunteers compassion for those they are serving.

Week 23: June 9-15
Pray for our Ugandan Mission team.
Pray  for Phillip, Ron Rylee, Taylor, and Zeke.
Pray that the team's efforts to serve our Ugandan partners would be successful.
Pray for opportunities to proclaim the Gospel as they serve those in need.
Ask God to protect them as they travel.

Week 24: June 16-22
Pray for fathers & those longing to be fathers.
Pray  for new dads as they care for their families.
Pray for fathers of teenagers as they engage in critical conversations as they child navigates adolescence.
Pray for fathers who have lost children. Ask God to comfort them as they grieve.
Pray for foster & adoptive fathers who stand in the gap for their children.
Pray for men who struggle with infertility. Ask God to trust in His power and timing.

Week 25: June 23-29
Pray forJehovah Rapha House.
Pray  for financial and physical provision.
Pray for protection from the gang violence across Haiti.
Pray for the volunteers as they serve special needs orphans.
Ask God to heal those with health challenges.

Week 26: June 30 - July 6
Pray for Global Missions efforts.
Pray  for leaders & missionaries of the International Missions Board.
Pray that God's call to missions would be heard and answered.
Pray for the financial provision, and training process for missionaries.
Ask God to bless their efforts and open doors of opportunity to share the Gospel.

Week 27: July 7-13
Pray for Pilgrim's Inn.
Pray for individuals seeking assistance at Pilgrim's Inn.
Pray for the staff as they care and guide those in need.
Pray that through the meeting of physical needs, Gospel conversations lead to spiritual needs being met..
Ask God to heal and empower those at Pilgrim's Inn as they work toward their future.

Week 28: July 14-20
Pray for our teenagers attending Fuge Camp.
Pray for our adult leaders as they serve this week at camp.
Pray that genuine decisions for Christ are made.
Pray David as he leads our team.
Ask God to strengthen and mature our teenagers in their faith.

Week 29: July 21-27
Pray for Harmony Baptist Church.
Pray for Pastor Patrick Roddey and his team.
Pray that God would use HBC to disciple believers and reach the lost in their community.
Pray the families of the staff at HBC.
Ask God to provide for all the needs HBC might have as they serve faithfully.

Week 20: July 28 - August 3
Pray for the Adi Dravida people group of India.
Pray that God would create a hunger for His Word among the Adi Dravida. The complete Bible is available in Tamil, their language.
Pray that the Lord would lead Indian Christians to become friends with the Adi Dravida to help them with their educational and vocational needs.
Pray that the small number of Adi Dravida Christians will be discipled and share the gospel with their brothers and sisters.